SHANGHAI/SHELTERISLAND, New York - Thomas Benson once ran a small liberal arts college in Vermont. Stephen Gessner served as president of the school board for New York’sShelter Island.
这两位商人分别是:Thomas Benson(曾经营过佛蒙特的一个小型文理学院)和Stephen Gessner(纽约Shelter Island校董会主席)。

More recently, they’ve been opening doors for Chinese education companies seeking acompetitive edge: getting their students direct access to admissions officersat top U.S. universities.
Over the past seven years, Benson and Gessner have worked as consultants for threemajor Chinese companies. They recruited dozens of U.S. admissions officers to fly to China and meet in person with the companies' student clients, with thecompanies picking up most of the travel expenses. Among the schools thatparticipated: Cornell University, the University of Chicago, StanfordUniversity and the University of California, Berkeley.
Two companies Benson and Gessner have represented – New Oriental Education &Technology Group Inc and Dipont Education Management Group – offer services tostudents that go far beyond meet-and-greets with admissions officers.
Eight former and current New Oriental employees and 17 former Dipont employees toldReuters the firms have engaged in college application fraud, including writingapplication essays and teacher recommendations, and falsifying high schooltranscripts.
The New Oriental employees said most clients lacked the language skills to write their own essays or personal statements, so counselors wrote them; only the top students did original work. New Oriental and Dipont deny condoning or wittingly engaging in application fraud.
Building on a model they pioneered for Dipont, Benson and Gessner helped New Oriental introduce its clients to U.S. admissions officers, linchpin players in thefast-growing business of supplying Chinese students a prestigious American education.
Beijing-based New Oriental is a behemoth. Founded in 1993, the company is China’s largest provider of private education services, serving more than two million Chinese students a year. Its shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange. The company generates about $1.5 billion in annual net revenue from programs that includetest preparation and English language classes. This year, about 10,000 of its clients were enrolled in American colleges and graduate schools.
Winning the trust of American college admissions officers is an important part of the business model. New Oriental’s counseling division - Beijing New Oriental Vision Overseas Consultancy Co - has centers throughout China and 3,300 counselors and staff. It typically charges students between $1,450 and $7,300 to recommend colleges and prepare applications.

A New Oriental student contract reviewed by Reuters states that its servicesinclude “writing or polishing” parts of college applications. The contract says New Oriental will set up an email account on behalf of the client forcommunicating with colleges, keeping sole control of the password. Severalformer employees said some students never even saw their applications: Thecompany controlled the entire process, including submitting the application tocolleges.
The new insight into the business practices of Chinese education companies comes ata time when American colleges are relying more heavily on Chinese undergraduates, who tend to pay full tuition. Their numbers grew 9 percent to135,629 students in the 2015-2016 school year, representing nearly a third ofall international undergraduates, according to the Institute of InternationalEducation.
Helping Chinese kids get into U.S. schools has become a significant industry, with hundreds of companies having sprung up in China to cash in. These businesses often charge large sums for services that sometimes include helping students cheat on standardized tests and falsifying their college applications.
Ghost-writingapplications for students is so common in China that some who do it speakopenly about the practice.
“I wrote essays and recommendation letters for students when I worked at New Oriental, which I still do right now for my own consultancy,” former New Oriental employee David Shi told Reuters. “I know there is an ethical dilemmabut it’s the nature of the industry.”
“我在新东方工作的时候帮学生写文书和推荐信,而在我现任的公司,我也依然这么做,”前任新东方雇员David Shi这样告诉路透社。“我知道这会面临道德抉择,但是这是行业的自然现象。”
Many of the colleges participating in the New Oriental and Dipont trips said accepting travel expenses from the Chinese companies was appropriate, that they hadn’t been aware of the fraud accusations, and that none of the students received special consideration. Some said they have stopped or will stop participating in the subsidized trips.
Benson, in a statement responding to the fraud accusations, said: “There are many bad actors and bad practices in the world of admissions counseling, in both China and the United States. In every visit we have made to China, we have beenstrong advocates for the highest standards of honesty in the admissions process. We believe that we and those who have traveled with us have up held these standards.”
New Oriental said its counseling division “prides itself on its longstanding commitment to education and the very high standards it has.” It added: “The company’s operations are governed by robust policies and procedures designed to guard against any unendorsed behavior by employees who are assisting students.”
Benson,who is 76 and speaks Mandarin, used to be president of Green Mountain Collegein Poultney, Vermont. He said he has had a lifelong fascination with China. Hehad a Chinese roommate in college and led a program for a spring term in Chinaas a professor at the University of Maryland in the 1980s. Benson also is theco-founder of ASIANetwork, a consortium of about 170 colleges that promotes Asian studies.
“China has been in my blood and in my family history all the way through,” he said.
He said he first met Gessner, 72, about eight years ago. At the time, Gessner wasa consultant to Shanghai-based Dipont, which runs international programs in Chinese high schools and college-counseling services that can cost a studentmore than $32,000.
Dipont executives said they wanted to help more students study in the United States. So, they initially hired Gessner, and later Benson, to help train guidance counselors and develop student exchange programs.
Beginning in 2009, Gessner and Benson launched tours and summer camps for U.S. admissions officers to meet Dipont students in China and advise them on applying tocolleges. Benson said he and Gessner recruited the universities through contacts in secondary and higher education.
To establish credibility with the colleges, they said, they set up a NewYork-based non-profit called the Council for American Culture and EducationInc, or CACE.
“It was a more respectable way to work as consultants. It helped us to recruitcolleges,” said Gessner.
The strategy worked. The early participantsincluded admissions officers from such prestigious institutions as Cornell,Stanford, Swarthmore College, Emory University and the University of Michiganin Ann Arbor.
Reuters reported in Octoberthat the New York AttorneyGeneral’s office planned to review the charity, which had failed to discloseits ties to Dipont in U.S. and New York State tax filings. The review couldlead to a formal investigation if authorities find evidence that CACE violated New York law.
Reuters also reportedthat eight former Dipont employees had described how the company had engaged in application fraud, including writing essays for students and altering recommendationletters. Since the story, Reuters has interviewed nine additional former Dipont employees who gave similar accounts.
路透社也报道了8名狄邦前任员工描述了这家公司如何参与了学术欺诈,包括帮助学生写文书和修改推荐信。自从上次起,路透社又访谈了其他9名狄邦前员工, 他们也描述了类似的情况。
In a statement, Dipont said: “We will promptly and thoroughly investigate any credible evidence of any situation in which the company's legal and/or ethical standards may not have been upheld byany of its employees, and will take appropriate action if we find that therehave been lapses.”是否有足够的证据证明
In 2012, Benson and Gessner said, they wererecruited as consultants by New Oriental and ceded control of CACE to Dipont.
Benson described their financial arrangementwith New Oriental as “almost a carbon copy” of their deal with Dipont: The twoAmericans received $50,000 for arranging each tour. They also set up anotherNew York-based nonprofit, the Council for International Culture and Education,or CICE. Benson said New Oriental has no control over CICE.
The duo enlisted many of the same collegesthat had participated in Dipont camps, and added some others, including Haverford College, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and theUniversity of Florida.New Oriental covered travel expenses for tours tovarious cities in China.
To get the colleges to participate in the New Oriental trips, Benson and Gessner used the playbook they perfected at Dipont.Both Chinese companies paid airfare, hotel and other travel expenses for eachof the admissions officers whom Benson and Gessner brought to China between2009 and last year.“They wouldn’t go otherwise,” Benson said.
The ethics code for college admissionsofficers doesn’t address the propriety of such arrangements. Cigus Vanni, aretired high school counselor from Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, said it was“absolutely” unethical for colleges to accept the money. He likened it to a“pay-for-play” scheme in which prospective Chinese students get specialtreatment. Many American applicants to elite U.S. colleges - which can receivefive to 20applications for each available slot - don’t get to directlyinteract with admissions officers.
美国的招生官的道德标准和这样的安排是想冲突的。一位来自宾州Wynnnewood的退休高中升学顾问Cigus Vanni说:“对于大学来说,接受这样的钱绝对是不道德的”他觉得这类似于说让潜在的中国学生申请类通过付钱来获得特殊的待遇。许多申请美国顶尖大学(这些大学每个入学位置会收到5-20份申请)的美国学生也没有这样和学校招生官互动的机会。
“You’re giving these people direct access tocollege admissions officers that no one else has,” said Vanni, who serves onthe admissions practices committee of the National Association for CollegeAdmission Counseling. “And there’s something expected in return for that.”
New Oriental touts the benefits of this access to prospective clients. Inpromotional material on its website, the company described how, during the 2014tour, it arranged for one of its students “to have opportunities to have closecontact with a Carleton admissions officer.”
The testimonial ends with the young womanreceiving an acceptance letter fromCarleton College.
Carleton admissions officers went on tours subsidized by New Oriental in 2013, 2014 and2015 and participated in six Dipont-subsidized summer camps. Paul Thiboutot,Carleton’s vice president and dean of admissions, said the Northfield,Minnesota, college was unaware of the New Oriental ad. He said Carleton is nowreconsidering its involvement in such programs “and most likely will no longerparticipate.”
Carleton招生官们在2013年、2014年和2015年三年的招生巡回展中持续获得新东方的费用补贴,并且参加了6个有费用补贴的狄邦夏令营。卡尔顿招生副总裁兼院长Paul Thiboutot说:明尼苏达州Northfield的这所大学根本没有意识到这是新东方的广告。他继续说道:Carleton学院目前正在重新考虑是否还会继续参加这种类型的项目,很有可能不会再参加。
“We do indeed see ethical issues in accepting all-expense-paid trips from Chinesecompanies if these companies allegedly engage in college application fraud,” hesaid in an email.
Dan Warner, director of admission at Rice University in Houston, said when Riceagreed to send an admissions officer on a tour in 2014, it believed the tripwas underwritten by CICE, not New Oriental. He said Rice probably wouldn’t haveparticipated had it known of the company’s role. Benson said New Oriental’srole was made clear.
休斯顿的莱斯大学招生主任Dan Warner说道:莱斯大学在2014年的时候同意他们的一个招生官去参加中国招生巡展会,是通过CICE签署确认过的,并不是通过新东方的途径。他说,如果知道这种公司在招生巡展会里面扮演这样一个角色,可能不能参与这种巡展会。本森说,他们已经了解了新东方在这种巡展会的目的。
Olivia Qiu said she used New Oriental to apply to eight U.S. colleges in 2010. Aftercompleting a questionnaire, the counselors took over. “I didn’t write anything.They wrote everything for me,” she said.
Qiu ultimately didn’t attend any of those eight colleges. Beforeuniversity,she took a job at New Oriental in Tianjin and said she wrote essays forstudents. Other employees, she said, wrote personal statements, supplementalessays and recommendation letters. “Sometimes, the student didn’t even see (theapplication) before they submitted it” to colleges, she said.
She said she quit over ethical concerns. “I just thought that’s not right, that’snot how you help students,” she said.
A current New Oriental employee said he once falsified an entire high school transcript for a student.Aformer employee who worked in 2014 and2015 compared New Oriental’s college application process to an assembly line:One person was in charge of signing a servicecontract with parents,another compiling a college list, a third completing the application, and afourth submitting it to universities.
AlanLi worked on applications in 2012 and 2013 in Shanghai. He said he wrotepersonal statements and edited recommendation letters students had writtenabout themselves. He said he would use material for essays from questionnairesthe students completed but would invent stories if necessary.
Lisaid he initially felt “really conflicted” but ultimately decided that a goodstudent who was a “horrible writer” deserved a break.
But the duo hasn’tabandoned China. In June, CICE organized a tour for admissions officers fromseven U.S. colleges on behalf of another Chinese company, EIC Group.
“I am getting a late start in putting out invitations for the summer 2016 China tour,primarily because we (CICE) have moved from New Oriental to a new Chinesepartner,” Benson emailed an admissions officer at the University ofFlorida in March. “We were invited by EIC, a large, much more innovativeChinese organization to partner with them on a series of summer tours -boarding school, college, and graduate school.”
“我现在发出2016暑期中国行邀请,起步有点晚了,首先因为我们(CICE)已经从新东方换到一个新的中国合作伙伴,” Benson在三月的时候给佛罗里达招生官发邮件说。“我们应启德——这个大型、创新的中国组织的邀请,与他们合作进行一系列暑期行——包含寄宿学校,大学和研究生学院。”
In addition to Florida,the schools included Colorado College, Cornell, Macalester College, SmithCollege, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University ofRochester.
EIC Group paid CICE$35,000, according to Benson, and promoted the tour with an advertisement onits website. “By ‘schmoozing and exchanging ideas’ with admissions officers,you are halfway to a successful application to a famous school,” said theChinese-language ad. The ad disappeared after Reuters questioned the companyabout it.
A spokeswoman for EIC said the events were open to the public, and aimed to improve Chinese students’applications. She didn’t respond to questions about the ad.
Benson said he hadn’tseen it. “That is really bad, horrible,” he said. “My goodness.”