
  • 来源: 未知
  • 发布时间: 2016-08-22 16:07
  • 责编: 好留学网
摘要:接下来为大家带来雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题(positive/negative题型)的一篇范文。题目是:An amount of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Is this positive or negative to development?

An amount of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Is this positive or negative to development?




【首段】 背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 我的立场(多元职业和候鸟生活利大于弊。)

【二段】 多元职业和候鸟生活之利好的展开


【尾段】 再次亮明观点


The bar chart compares the changes in the proportion of population in India, China, the USA and Japan in 1950 and 2002. And it also indicates the projections for 2050.

In 1950. China accounted for one fourth of the world population. Although this figure decreased slightly, it still ranked the first in 2002, compared to other three countries. It is estimated that the population in China will continue to drop to 19 per cent in the middle of this century.

India ranked the second in terms of the population in the table, which made up 15 percent in 1950, but since then, there was a dramatic increase, climbing to approximately 19 percent. The percentage is expected to increase slightly to 21 per cent in 2050 and will probably exceed that in China.

When it comes to the population in the USA and Japan, both of which witnessed a decrease from 1950 to 2002. It is predicted that in 2050, the percentage will remain the same in the USA, and in Japan, the percentage is likely to keep falling.

Overall, it seems that India will become the country with the largest population although there is still a huge number of people in China.


1. Young adults are generally intoxicated by splendid job opportunities and modernized lifestyle. 很多的年轻人是被更好的工作机会和更现代的都市生活吸引。

2. migrant lifestyle 候鸟式的生活

3. indicate long-lasting sense of refreshment 意味着持久的新鲜感

4. acquire various vocational skills 学习多样的职业技能

5. accumulate rich working experience and establish well-connected interpersonal network 积累丰富的工作的经验,建立广阔的人脉资源

6. spatial separation 空间的分离

7. familiar circle of friends 熟悉的朋友圈

8. the decomposition of family bonds 家庭纽带的分解

9. get married and carve out career 成家立业

10. It is up to us to find the means to achieve that happiness each of us long for 我们自己要寻找自己渴望的幸福的方式。



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