
  • 来源: 未知
  • 发布时间: 2016-12-11 18:15
  • 责编: 好留学网

    雅思口语细节--1 时态


    雅思口语细节--2 主谓单复数保持一致

    例Some people are very traditional in China / Women are more sensitive. 但学生们总是People/person傻傻分不清,不由分说地用上many people is / Men is…?

    雅思口语细节--3 注意比较级的使用,并且比较的前后成分需保持一致

    It will be easier( more easier to×) / better to do( more better×)…; It will be more difficult to do…; The production in the USA is higher than China ×/ The production in the USA is higher than that in China

    雅思口语细节--4 注意不同词性,所代表的不同含义,不可混用

    foreign(adj.) / foreigner(n.) => Peter is a foreigner / I like to watch foreign films( foreigner programs×) ; To communicate(v.) / communication(n.) =>The cell phone is a great tool to communicate (communication×); The cell phone is a great tool for communication; Parents find it difficult to communicate with their children.

    雅思口语细节--5 国家与人民要区分

    Germany / German and France / French => He’s from France / He is French.

    雅思口语细节--6 避免在一句话中连续使用动词

    在一句话中,动词有且只有一个或者你可用连词连接句式及非谓语进行转换:It could be happen ×/ It could happen; There are many people believe in him× / There are many people who believe in him

    雅思口语细节--7 在口语中还需注意定冠词“the”的使用

    I always play piano at midnight× / I often play the football on the campus×; I always play the piano at midnight/ I often play football on the campus

    雅思口语细节--8 注意“there”的用法

    I will go to there× / I will go there; I have friends in there×/ I have friends in Shanghai ;I have friends there

    雅思口语细节--9 “fun”和“funny”的使用是有差异的

    Basketball is fun / It’s a funny story “funny”是指make you laugh or smile而不是指乐趣; fun才是指interesting。

    雅思口语细节--10 Interesting / interested

    boring / bored前者是令人…,后者是感到… => The teacher is boring. I feel bored




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